Potential events:  It is suggested, but not required that you avoid American conflicts because of the upcoming Global Studies Regents exam.

World War I or II                                                          Vietnam War
War in Afghanistan/Iraq                                                Korean War
French Revolution                                                           Tianamen Square
Holocaust                                                                   South American revolutions
Overthrow of Russian Tsars                                         Palestine/Israeli conflicts
“Arab Spring”                                                              Northern Ireland – early 1900s
Spanish crusades                                                       Spanish influenza

Bubonic plague                                                            Cavemen
Protestant Reformation                                                 Greek conflicts
Roman conflicts                                                          Egyptian conflicts
Rwanda                                                                     Kenya
Italian mob and Italian society                                    Blood diamond conflicts
Irish potato famine                                                    Bay of Pigs
Viking explorers                                                          Mayans

Tsunami in Japan
Tearing down the Berlin Wall
Killing Osama Bin Laden
Earthquake in Haiti