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The mission of the CBA Markert Library program is to teach information literacy in collaboration with classroom teachers within the context of the content curriculum, inspire and develop a love of reading, and provide diverse materials and services to enable students to become life-long learners and effective users of information.













Big 6 Research Method

1.1. Define the problem

1.2 Identify the information requirements

Develop your research plan individually on your topic. Remember the questions you talked about in class - what makes this singer/athlete/actor special, how many awards, etc.

2.1 Determine kinds of sources

2.2 Prioritize sources

Books will have in-depth information, and immediacy is not an issue.

Newspapers are immediate, but may not have all the facts, depending on how the situation is developing.

Magazines, such as Time or Newsweek, are credentialed sources, and have more in-depth reporting than a newspaper.

Databases have all of the above resources and are always credentialed.

Websites need to be carefully credentialed - don't use fan sites!

How do I know if my site is credentialled?

3.1 Locate actual resources

3.2 Locate information

Books: Biographies

Databases: ABC-CLIO's Pop Culture Universe; Gale (NY newspapers)

Internet: Google, but be sure to credential your source - no fan sites!

Sports: ESPN, NFL, NBA, Major League Baseball, college and team sites, Sports Illustrated, and newspaper sites

Entertainment: Tv Guide, People magazine, Billboard, Entertainment Tonight. IMBd

News Sources:



Washington Post NYTimes LATimes

National Public Radio

4.1 Engage (read, view, interview)

4.2 Extract (make notes)

Take notes electronically, making sure to capture info for citation.

Citation generator

You are responsible for the accuracy of your citation, not the generator or the database vendor. Warning: Facts on File citations are usually incorrect.

5.1 Organize information

5.2 Present information

The Works Cited page will be the last page of your paper.

Make sure that your Works Cited page follows MLA formatting: 1" margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, with resources in alphabetical order in hanging format.

Do you need help with using Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007?

Use proper MLA date formatting:

Heading: 21 October 2011

Citation: 21 Oct 2011


6.1 Judge the product

6.2 Judge the process

Did you research carefully? Find credentialed sources? Complete your MLA using the correct forms? Check your spelling and grammar?

What did you learn about research? About your celebrity?

The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: