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The mission of the CBA Markert Library program is to teach information literacy in collaboration with classroom teachers within the context of the content curriculum, inspire and develop a love of reading, and provide diverse materials and services to enable students to become life-long learners and effective users of information.













Big 6 Research Method

1.1. Define the problem



1.2 Identify the information requirements


Task: Get information about your drug

Drug information requirements:

  • Drug name
  • History of use
  • Street names
  • Routes of administration (picture)
  • Action in the brain
  • Immediate effects
  • Long-term effects (picture)

Project is due Tuesday, December 6

2.1 Determine kinds of sources

2.2 Prioritize sources


Books, Internet, databases

Databases and books are credentialed; if you use the Internet you will need to make sure your sites are academically credentialed.

3.1 Locate actual resources

3.2 Locate information

Books:Social issues are in the 300's; science information will be in the 600's; use the catalog to locate books on your topic.

Databases:Facts on File Heath database and Teen Health and Wellness

Internet: Google for general searching, but remember that you will need to make sure the site is academically acceptable - make sure you can find the proper credentials.

Recommended sites:

National Institute on Drug Abuse

MedLine Plus

Drug Abuse (NY Times)

NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse

NIDA: Street names

WebMD: Pictures of commonly abused drugs


4.1 Engage (read, view, interview)

4.2 Extract (make notes)

Take notes electronically using Microsoft Word and save them to a flash drive or your network folder.

Look for key concepts and good quotes.

Citation generator

MLA date format: day month year

Heading example: 21 September 2010

Works Cited example: 21 Sep 2010

5.1 Organize information

5.2 Present information

Make sure that your Works Cited page follows MLA formatting: 1" margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, with resources in alphabetical order in hanging format.

See the video for 7th grade hanging format

Example Works Cited

MLA basics for 7th grade

Did you find all the information required?

Are you being careful to be neat in your presentation?


6.1 Judge the product

6.2 Judge the process


The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: