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The mission of the CBA Markert Library program is to teach information literacy in collaboration with classroom teachers within the context of the content curriculum, inspire and develop a love of reading, and provide diverse materials and services to enable students to become life-long learners and effective users of information.














Big 6 Research Method

1.1. Define the problem

1.2 Identify the information requirements

Task:  Choose a topic from the Greco-Roman culture.  Some possibilities are:

--calendar -- the coliseum
--gladiatorial combat    --a Greek temple
--chariot races   --battles 
--dress   --a battle at sea
--working aqueduct --a catapult    
--the gods          --??


Create a 3-D project to present to the class.


 Write a 2-3 page paper in English explaining your topic and project.  MLA format must be used and there must be a citation page.  Three sources must be used.  You may not use Wikipedia or your textbook as a source. 


2.1 Determine kinds of sources

2.2 Prioritize sources

Books, Internet, databases, newspapers, tv (news)

Books: have older, but more carefully researched, information

Databases: current and reliable information - depending on your topic, may be too limited

Internet: more current information, but need to be careful; look for credentials

3.1 Locate actual resources

3.2 Locate information

Books: Greece: 938; Rome: 937; Gods & Mythology: 398.2; don't forget about reference section

  • Roman cookery: 937
  • Ancient Warfare; Roman Army 355
  • Gladiators, 937

Databases: Facts on File Ancient and Medieval History Online; for Greek and Roman life, World Book's Early Peoples (NOT ENCYCLOPEDIA)

Internet: Google, but be careful of credentials - do NOT use travel agency sites! Stick to museums and universities.


Recommended sites:

Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greek Temple

Metropolital Museum of Art: Greek and Roman Art

PBS: Roman Empire

BBC: Ancient Rome (do not use CDX)

Music of Ancient Rome

Vesuvius geology

Make a volcano

Roman Colosseum

Roman Catapult: video

Build a Roman Catapult


(Remember that Wikipedia is NEVER academically acceptable.)

4.1 Engage (read, view, interview)

4.2 Extract (make notes)

Take notes electronically, making sure to capture info for citation.

Citation generator

How to use Easy Bib to cite a website

Click below to see an image showing how to fill in EasyBib
EasyBib for a database magazine article that has been published in print
EasyBib for a database newspaper article that has been published in print
EasyBib for a database book that has been published in print (chapter)
EasyBib for an article published directly in the database (no print)

NOTE: You MUST have the URL (http//...) of ALL Web resources.

  • Websites: Complete URL
  • Databases: Stop at first slash after http

5.1 Organize information

5.2 Present information

The Works Cited page will be the last page of your notes - page 3 at a minimum. Remember that the header (name, course, date, etc.) is ONLY on page 1.

Make sure that your Works Cited page is following MLA formatting: 1" margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, with resources in alphabetical order in hanging format.

Use proper MLA date formatting:

Heading: 21 October 2009

MS Word Help with Margins, etc.

Parenthetical citations and other MLA concerns

MLA Basics for HS Students


6.1 Judge the product

6.2 Judge the process

Did you use credentialed sources? Did you paraphrase correctly, putting ideas and facts in your own words?

What did you learn about research?

The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: