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The mission of the CBA Markert Library program is to teach information literacy in collaboration with classroom teachers within the context of the content curriculum, inspire and develop a love of reading, and provide diverse materials and services to enable students to become life-long learners and effective users of information.














Big 6 Research Method for Biomes

1.1. Define the problem

1.2 Identify the information requirements

Students are to create a poster of an assigned Biome.

Each poster must include the following:

  1. Average rainfall
  2. Average temperature
  3. Location on Earth (provide a global map)
  4. Typical plants (labeled pictures)
  5. Typical animals (labeled pictures)
  6. Special features


Students will present their assigned biome to the class.

  • Each student is responsible for presenting a portion of the biome. 
  • Partners will decide whom will present which part of their assigned biome before hand.
  • Must be prepared to answer questions on their biome.

Biome project requirements PDF

Biome sheet PDF

2.1 Determine kinds of sources

2.2 Prioritize sources

Encyclopedia, database, books, Internet

Books and databases are credentialed from the publisher; remember that Internet sites will require the student to check the credentials to make sure the site is academically appropriate.

ONE Encyclopedia article only.

3.1 Locate actual resources

3.2 Locate information

Books: 577's. Look up YOUR biome in the catalog


  • World Book: Living Green
  • World Book and Grolier encyclopedias

Internet: Google, but be careful of the credentials. Your author or organization must be in biology OR be a very well known science organization, such as NASA.

Recommended sites:

Earth Observatory (NASA)

Biomes (Jesuit University)

Marine Biology Center

Biomes of the World (Radford University)

World Biomes (UC Santa Barbara)

Freshwater biomes (UC Berkeley)

Freshwater biomes (Colorado State Univ.)

(Remember that Wikipedia is NEVER academically acceptable.)

Reminder: your web sites will be graded for academic acceptability; also, you are limited to ONE encyclopedia article.

4.1 Engage (read, view, interview)

4.2 Extract (make notes)

Take notes electronically using Microsoft Word and save them to a flash drive or your network folder.

Look for key concepts and good quotes.

Citation generator - YOU MUST SHOW THE URL FOR WEB RESOURCES - Click the YES button on Easy Bib

How to cite a website on EasyBib

(For encyclopedias on EasyBib, use database: encyclopedia; for pictures from the web or database, use DIGITAL IMAGE)

Easybib: Digital image from a website

Easybib: Digital image from a database

Scanned pictures from books are PHOTOGRAPHS

The Internet can be used but be sure to use credentialed sources.

MLA date format: day month year

Heading example: 21 September 2010

5.1 Organize information

5.2 Present information

Did you answer the questions about your biome? Are you ready to teach your classmates?

Did you do your Works Cited page?

Make sure that your Works Cited page follows MLA formatting: 1" margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, with resources in alphabetical order in hanging format. Double space everything - no more than double space.

PDF of sample works cited page with notes and highlights

PDF of sample finished works cited page- this is what your page should look like


6.1 Judge the product

6.2 Judge the process

What did you learn about these biomes?

What did you learn about research?

The "Big6™" is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit: